Tyler | Scarborough High School Senior Rep | [Maine Senior Photographer]

As a photographer, one of my BIG interests has been working with high school seniors and teens.  I just love their energy, their willingness to succeed and learn, and their excitement about the experience of working with a photographer!  I started a senior representative program to help me market my business to high school kids.  With my 13 years of experience as a researcher, I also love the idea of having a rep program because I can use my reps as key informants–they can provide me with their opinions about what’s cool, what’s not, and what their peers want in a photographic experience!
Tyler - Angie Bordeaux Photography Senior RepresentativeMeet Tyler from Scarborough High School!
He is going to have a special place in my heart forever because he’s my very first senior rep!  I met Tyler from his awesome Aunt Julie, and I’m thrilled she sent him my way.  Tyler was a gentleman who insisted on carrying my ladder for me.  (Yes, I carry a small ladder with me on shoots because I’m 5’2″ and like to have the opportunity to be at eye-level with my clients!) I had instant respect for Tyler because he was joined on his shoot by his aunt, uncle, and two lovely grandmothers.  A close-knit family is so special, and it was a joy to see them interact.  I also love that Tyler is planning to go into law enforcement after high school.  Just during our brief time together, I can tell he is a reliable, honest, level-headed, big-hearted guy–great qualities for a future police officer!

Tyler told me at the end of our session that he had a good time, that it went by really fast, and he told me I was “chill”.  Seriously, as a photographer being told by a teenage guy that a photo shoot was fun and moved quickly is a great compliment–and as an almost 35-year old woman, being called “chill” is kind of AH-MAZING!

Tyler, you made my job easy.  I’m so proud that you will be representing my studio during your senior year!

If you are as awesome as Tyler, are a member of the class of 2014, and live in southern Maine, please apply to be a senior rep at www.angiebordeaux.com! 


One Response to “Tyler | Scarborough High School Senior Rep | [Maine Senior Photographer]”

  1. Julie

    Awesome job!! Can’t wait to hang one those pics on my wall!!!

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